In July 2004, I quit my sales job and decided to learn everything I could about copywriting.

Why did I take this leap of faith?

I’m lucky enough to be a friend of Paul Hollingshead.

If you haven’t heard of Paul Hollingshead, master copywriter and best-selling author Bob Bly refers to him as one of the “world’s greatest copywriters.”  Paul is one of the co-founders of AWAI, an organization that many endorse as producing and marketing the best copywriting programs in the world.

After talking to Paul one day, telling him how unhappy I was at my current sales job, he offered to become my copywriting mentor. I thought about it a bit. Then I said “yes” to his offer and quit my job.

It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

For three and a half years, I was lucky enough to work directly with Paul. He let me in on the tricks and techniques he uses that have made his copy so wildly successful.

He critiqued my copy, giving me pointers on how I could better connect with the reader. How to pack my copy full of benefits, deeper benefits, and weave in the “golden thread, “so that by the end of the letter, my readers feel they can’t live without my product or service.

My copy started to show marked improvement. I wrote a promo for AWAI that broke their record for the most successful product launch that had stood for over ten years.

Another promo I wrote for them was responsible for bringing in over $200,000 in annual revenue in just a few short weeks…and it’s just getting started.

I started to get compliments on the natural, easy-going flow of my copy, one of the qualities that makes Paul’s copy so strong.

Now while it’s difficult to actually hire Paul — he writes almost exclusively for The Oxford Club and AWAI–you can hire me.

And while I still work for AWAI on a freelance basis, I’m really excited about having an opportunity to work for you.

To play a role in the success of your company. To help you boost your revenues through honest, no-hype conversation. To write copy that connects with your prospects and turns them into clients.

So drop me a line and we’ll talk.

Best regards,

John Wood
Marketing Strategist & Freelance Copywriter